Interested in renting out your Copenhagen apartment?
If you are going on holiday, working abroad or spending the season in the summerhouse why not let Hay4you take care of your apartment and help you pay the rent?
The services provided by Hay4you include finding the perfect renter for your home, supervision of the apartment, cleaning between bookings and a supply of linen, towels and dishtowels for the guests.
List your apartment »here and we will arrange an appointment to view your apartment as soon as possible. Please note that the apartment must be vacant for 6 weeks, or more, and have a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom. All apartments are non-smoking and sadly we cannot accept apartments that house larger pets.
Please note: Hay4you Aps falls under the DAC7 rules, which means that offer certain tax deductions . As the actual amount will vary from year to year we ask you please to contact for more information. Hay4you Aps is obliged to submit owner's earnings over 2000€ to the tax office at the end of the year.
The Hay4you package
With 20 years experience Hay4you applies much effort and care into providing happy home experiences for both owner and renter. We make a thorough assessment of each apartment in order to ensure that it can be rented out for the optimal period.
During the rental period Hay4you will supervise the apartment and deal swiftly with any issues.
Apart from finding a good renter, we supply introductions to the apartment and deal with the everyday questions of the guests. Furthermore we provide:
* Cleaning
* Linen/ towels/ dish towels
* Some general maintenance
Determining the rent
You set the monthly rent by adding up all your costs and making an assessment of a price that makes sense for you. Subsequently Hay4you will advise you to ensure that the price corresponds with market demands. Hay4you's commission, cleaning and administrative costs are then added to the rent. Read more about rental details here.
We rent out your apartment on a pay-by-use basis. This means that you will receive rent for the periods that the apartment is occupied. Our aim is to rent out the apartment as much as possible and we will inform you if we think the arrangement will not work. The rent is paid in arrears, on the 5th working day of the month.
Our guests
Hay4you have long standing collaborations with local and international businesses, a wide range of educational institutions, embassies, film companies and theatres. In the summer season a number of tourists are added to our client portfolio - many of them returning guests. Finally a growing number of international students are using our services whilst studying in Copenhagen. For them we have special arrangements.
A substantial percentage of our guests come to Copenhagen in order to work and for this reason we have certain requirements to the apartments to suit their needs. Comfort, convenient public transport and a functioning Internet and TV are big advantages when looking to rent out your apartment to our guests.